
FFXIV Crafting Optimizer Website (Test Edition)

This test edition of Ermad’s version of the crafting optimizer is intended to be used for theorycrafted speculations of future quality and progress requirements.

How to use

Link Just use as you would the real simulator. All test crafts will be under Alchemist crafts. Any suggestions for different requirements let me know. My discord, which would be better to contact me is Shikhu#3190 or you can ask in the balance discord.

This project contains the source for the FFXIV Crafting Optimizer Website. It uses AngularJS, AngularUI Bootstrap, and Bootstrap.

Running the app during development

You can pick one of these options:

The node.js, browser-sync and Docker methods options will serve the website on port 8001. Browser-sync should automatically launch your default browser and load the app.

Note that if you’re using Docker on Windows or OS X via VirtualBox, you’ll have to use the IP address of the Linux VM (usually that is hosting Docker, instead of localhost. The Dockerfile.dev method will mount the app source as a volume so chnages will be reflected when the browser is refreshed.


Localization files can be found in app/locale. The app/locale/en.json file is purposefully missing because the English strings are used as the translation keys. Strings which require interpolation are defined in app.js so that they can be displayed immediately as a fallback until the actual locale json file finishes loading.